Topic | Insects | The Age

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The fluorescent red mozzies that could protect us from other blood-hungry biters

The fluorescent red mozzies that could protect us from other blood-hungry biters

Floods and heatwaves are fanning a spike in mosquito-borne disease with one aggressive species threatening to invade Australia.

  • by Angus Dalton


The single most annoying sound of summer

The single most annoying sound of summer

The arrival of pleasant weather brings with it a far more sinister reality: the annual war against mosquitoes.

  • by Thomas Mitchell
The colours you should avoid wearing if you’re a mosquito magnet

The colours you should avoid wearing if you’re a mosquito magnet

As mosquito season begins, we ask: why do the little blighters terrorise some and spare others? It could be down to your outfit.

  • by Angus Dalton
A female mosquito feeding

A female mosquito feeding

A cocktail of skin odours and carbon dioxide attract mosquitoes to their feasting grounds.

Feed your karma in the dairy section
Column 8

Feed your karma in the dairy section

While the Baa-Baas get vulgar.

Gerbils in the ranks
Column 8

Gerbils in the ranks

Is the MAGA cap the new mortarboard?

Ringing the road crew
Column 8

Ringing the road crew

Even though the reception was poor.

Why one area of Sydney has been swarming with mosquitoes

Why one area of Sydney has been swarming with mosquitoes

The mosquito numbers in south-west Sydney are two to three times higher than usual, while the rest of the city is just dealing with a regular spring surge.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Some New Yorkers are rank
Column 8

Some New Yorkers are rank

Give the Doc a fare go.

Blank sails in the sunset
Column 8

Blank sails in the sunset

It’s enough to make you chuck it in.

Every seven years, the bush erupts. Stand by for a roaring cicada summer

Every seven years, the bush erupts. Stand by for a roaring cicada summer

This season is shaping up to be a huge one for the classic greengrocer, thanks to a mathematical quirk that could belie an evolutionary strategy.

  • by Angus Dalton