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Fuss over new inheritance fees is much ado about nothing

Fuss over new inheritance fees is much ado about nothing

If Victorians found themselves seriously panicked about the future of their inheritance this week, I’m not surprised.

  • by Victoria Devine


Trying to ‘rule from the grave’? The trouble with testamentary trusts

Trying to ‘rule from the grave’? The trouble with testamentary trusts

Locking your money away in a testamentary trust can cause problems for your beneficiaries.

  • by Julia Hartman
Can I save tax by withdrawing and reinvesting $500,000 of my super?

Can I save tax by withdrawing and reinvesting $500,000 of my super?

If your super account isn’t earning enough, it could be wise to reinvest it elsewhere, as long as it doesn’t affect your pension payments.

  • by Noel Whittaker